Home>Products>Ibanez>Custom 2017 Montreal Assembly Count To 5 NEW Brand New in Box Newest Firmware Rev L Delay Looper Sampler!

Custom 2017 Montreal Assembly Count To 5 NEW Brand New in Box Newest Firmware Rev L Delay Looper Sampler!
- Effects and Pedals,Delay,Montreal Assembly,
Custom 2017 Montreal Assembly Count To 5 NEW Brand New in Box Newest Firmware Rev L Delay Looper Sam
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Guitar Solo Shop2020-07-10 09:46:19
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Product Description
Brand new and unopened.
These were made in a very limited quantity and SOLD OUT quickly.
The pictures are stock. The pedal has never been opened and comes in the original box from the factory. It will have "rev L" on the circuit board.
Creativity in a box.
These usually sell within a few days.
Coolest pedal ever. No contest. Youtube videos don't even scratch the surface of what this does, and to my knowledge there still isn't a single video on YouTube that shows the newest version with the new features.
This is probably the most unique, creative, and exploratory pedal in the world that's also 100% musical and usable on stage, in recording sessions, and very much so in song writing.
I've owned WELL over 200 pedals throughout the years of my studio and I've seen or tried every experimental pedal that came out since the 80's. This is the real deal, and the most fun pedal I've ever, ever experienced, hands down.
The Montreal Assembly's updates are always great and this version has the best sound and functionality, having owned the earlier versions that had ice-picky high frequencies which were purposely fixed for the later versions.
Unfortunately no video on the Internet really shows anywhere near its full functionality and more importantly, how musical it is.
Others that claim to be "newest version" are often actually older rev K version OR an older Rev L with older firmware as there were different batches with the Rev L. Earlier firmware update doesn't include a lot of new features.
Here are some highlights of the new features on this version with the firmware update (they are awesome):
With Q down you can now activate a sinusoidal LFO to modulate DIR 1. The frequency can be adjusted by turning LEN B and the depth can be adjusted with FBK. To disable the LFO simply turn FBK fully CCW with Q held down (depth of zero = no effect). The LFO is relatively slow and subtle, this is the range I prefer. It may be tweaked in future firms.
With Q up you can adjust 2 parameters of a trigger which causes the read head to move a certain distance away from the write head when the amplitude of the input signal breaks a certain threshold. DIR 1 adjusts the sensitivity/threshold level of the trigger, CCW makes it more sensitive (lower amplitude required to break the threshold). Fully CW turns off the trigger. LEN B will adjust the relative distance the read head is placed after a trigger event (in the positive direction). When a trigger event occurs the LED will flash white briefly, this should help you adjust the sensitivity level. The LED will stay white while input is above threshold. The trigger is generated at the moment the LED turns white. No further triggers are generated while the LED is white. At power up the trigger is disabled, the distance is one half LEN B.
With Q up you can now step modulate DIR 1, 2, 3. The steps are random, but are also affected by the quantizer, so for example if you are in the whole tone quantization then you will get only random whole tone settings. DIR 1 will control the tempo, DIR 2 the variance and DIR 3 sets how many of the playback heads are affected by the step sequencer. From fully CCW to ~1/4 of the range no heads are affected (sequencer is off), from 1/4 to noon only DIR 3 is affected, noon to 3/4 DIR 2 and 3, and past 3/4 DIR 1, 2, 3 are stepped. At power up the sequencer is disabled. To enable it hold Q up and rotate FBK CW.
The loops are not reset when a step occurs so this tends to make things somewhat rhythmically incoherent, but can be interesting with more droney or vocal loops. For best results try to play something in a key similar to the quantization style
Those are just some highlights. The full text of the new features and functions is at the bottom of the listing in bold.
This is the true newest version with the current firmware and circuit board. Details below.
Hours upon hours of fun - "A very capable and serious creative tool for musical sounding, melodic and unique effects never heard before."
You will feel a huge satisfaction when you experience the discovery and exploration of a brand new world of sounds as you hear what comes out of your guitar.
Create brand new sounds that have never been made before this pedal.
This has some updates including a new circuit board, "Transcedence Mode," smoother sounding repeats & playback and a more analog sounding signal, a low pass filter in mode 1 so the sounds that come out of it are more pleasant, and the the Rev L 2016 Board.
VERY usable and very versatile. This is a creator's pedal. It is NOT a random noisemaker like a bunch of terrible videos made by people trying it for the first time make it seem. If you spend just 30 seconds actually dialing it in, you can make it do things that will blow your mind, and everyone else's for that matter. The q switch helps a lot with this as it toggles to different options quickly and easily. Within minutes of playing it for the first time, I knew this pedal was going to stay on my board and spark all kinds of creativity I couldn't even imagine at the time - and it has. Now I have two on my board.
All of the demo videos online just touch the tip of the iceberg of possibilities for this pedal. It has to be heard and explored on your own in combination with your other pedals - other delays, modulation, wah, etc. The possibilities are endless.
You will be amazed with what this pedal can do. Life is too short to buy another pedal that sounds just like 10 or 200 other pedals out there. There is nothing that can do what this little box of wonder can do. This is for those bold enough to try something new.
The feeling you get when you are a kid and you discover new things or do something for the first time is the feeling this pedal gives you.
Here's a word from some CT5 users: “I will say that I am blown away at actually how useable this pedal is. In certain settings you can create blissful arpeggios that track perfectly and follow the exact scales you play, unlike other arpeggiator that you can only get unusable scales out of. It's a magical music box from heaven, basically.”
"The Count to 5 from Montreal Assembly will spark new creativity in an instant. The looping applications of the Boomerang III, JamMan and other common phrase samplers only go so far before guitarists reach the limits of exploration. The Count to Five breaks through those limits and takes looping into obscurity. Although it is technically a delay machine (a sampler, to be precise), the Count to 5 records medium length portions of your playing and then repeats them in creatively divisible ways."
"The Count to Five offers 3 modes to slice and sample your guitar riffs in different ways. The first mode "recycles data in a buffer like a delay” (according to their website) and offers some unique arpeggiated/delayed/pitch modulated tones that are so weird you won’t leave your jam room. The second mode allows guitarists to sample a clip (by holding the stompswitch and playing) then randomly play it back in smaller slices of the original riff with variable (yet controllable) speed and direction. The third mode also allows you to sample a clip, but offers 3 playback heads which can each have their own direction and speed independently controlled. If it sounds strange, it’s because it is…and probably best to watch the video to hear how it sounds."
Time to experiment! Truly an original and almost limitless pedal.
I'll ship almost anywhere except for Asia, India, Antarctica, Brazil, Peru or Africa. Just ask for a quote if you're outside the USA. I can usually do it for around $45 to most of Europe.
Below is a full list of the new updates that are on this pedal that are in NONE of the previous versions.
From Montreal Assembly:
In this update I tried to experiment a bit more with some new features in mode 1. Mode 3 also has some new questionable features. Visual feedback was added to help selecting Q modes. Some minor bugs were fixed.
Only the changes below are implemented. If it is not in the list then it is not in the firmware update. This file will only work on rev k or l boards.
Relevant links:
Firmware release 0.96 for rev k,l
Installation Instructions
Quick 1 page reference card for firmware 0.96k
All modes: changing Q mode will cause the LED to blink white for a short period. When the Q mode selected is the non-quantized setting, the LED will blink for a longer period. This way you can know where in the list of Q modes you are more easily. In total there are 6 Q modes so you should have 5 short blinks and one long blink every 6 taps of the Q switch.
Mode 1:
Holding the soft footswitch no longer allows you to adjust the low pass filter. Instead hold Q down and turn DIR 1 to access this feature. Holding the soft switch down for a long period currently has no effect in mode 1.
With Q down you can also now activate a sinusoidal LFO to modulate DIR 1. The frequency can be adjusted by turning LEN B and the depth can be adjusted with FBK. To disable the LFO simply turn FBK fully CCW with Q held down (depth of zero = no effect). The LFO is relatively slow and subtle, this is the range I prefer. It may be tweaked in future firms.
With Q up you can adjust 2 parameters of a trigger which causes the read head to move a certain distance away from the write head when the amplitude of the input signal breaks a certain threshold. DIR 1 adjusts the sensitivity/threshold level of the trigger, CCW makes it more sensitive (lower amplitude required to break the threshold). Fully CW turns off the trigger. LEN B will adjust the relative distance the read head is placed after a trigger event (in the positive direction). When a trigger event occurs the LED will flash white briefly, this should help you adjust the sensitivity level. The LED will stay white while input is above threshold. The trigger is generated at the moment the LED turns white. No further triggers are generated while the LED is white. At power up the trigger is disabled, the distance is one half LEN B.
Regardless of Q position or sensitivity level, tapping the soft footswitch can also be used to generate a trigger and move the read head the specified distance away. This way you do not actually have to play to cause a trigger or if you want to trigger on a softer note than the trigger level requires, you can tap and play at the same moment.
The expression pedal can only be used to adjust the 3 default parameters (Q in middle position). To adjust the parameters which require Q to be pushed up or down, you must use the physical knob on the pedal, regardless of E position or whether or not an expression pedal is plugged in.
Mode 2:
No changes.
Mode 3:
With Q up you can now step modulate DIR 1, 2, 3. The steps are random, but are also affected by the quantizer, so for example if you are in the whole tone quantization then you will get only random whole tone settings. DIR 1 will control the tempo, DIR 2 the variance and DIR 3 sets how many of the playback heads are affected by the step sequencer. From fully CCW to ~1/4 of the range no heads are affected (sequencer is off), from 1/4 to noon only DIR 3 is affected, noon to 3/4 DIR 2 and 3, and past 3/4 DIR 1, 2, 3 are stepped. At power up the sequencer is disabled. To enable it hold Q up and rotate FBK CW.
The loops are not reset when a step occurs so this tends to make things somewhat rhythmically incoherent, but can be interesting with more droney or vocal loops. For best results try to play something in a key similar to the quantization style.
Other bug fixes:
Bug: when flipping from Mode 2 to Mode 1 with no loop playing and transcendence on, the buffer lengths in Mode 1 would be incorrect. This has been fixed and now seems to work as expected.
Bug: DIR 1 does not achieve exactly 2x forward speed in non-quantized mode. This has been adjusted.
Below are some more of the changes that have been done since the older versions:
-The "non quantized" quantization setting is now accessible in mode 3.
-In mode 3 the punch in is now synchronized with the position of DIR 1 head.
A description of the pedal From Montreal Assembly:
Count to five is a unique delay/sampler that offers many sonic possibilities. These are best shown by demonstration in the videos above below. The video above was made by Knobs.
Here is a breakdown of the similarities and differences. There is now a MODE switch that picks between 3 different patches.
Mode 1:
This is very similar in concept to the original GB24 except that now you can use the EXP switch to select which parameter the expression pedal controls. You can assign it to the read head direction, buffer length or feedback. The expression pedal cannot be used to control the mix unfortunately.
Also a bunch of people wished the direction/speed control could be quantized to musical intervals. Now you can achieve this by pressing the second foot switch and moving the DIR 1 knob. You can pick between 3 settings:
1) No quantization (freedom baby, go from litereally a stand still to double speed forward or backward, just like the original, for those familiar)
2) Quantization resulting in chromatic intervals across +/- 1 octave forward or backwards
3) Quantization to only perfect fifths and octaves across +/- 1 octave forward or backwards
Mode 2:
This patch allows you to sample a clip and then play it back in slices. You can record a clip by holding down the secondary footswitch and then releasing it when done. As soon as you let go playback starts according to the pot settings. DIR 1 controls the playback speed/direction, LEN S (LEngth of Slice) controls how long of a snippet/grain to play and RAND (RANDom) controls the variability of the slice position. So for example with RAND turned all the way down the slice always starts at the beginning of the recorded sound, but as you increase RAND the start of the slice is picked more randomly from the originally recorded clip.
Once a clip is recorded you can either record another clip while the first one is still playing by holding down the secondary footswitch OR you can reset the record buffer by tapping the secondary footswitch. If the pedal is bypassed while a sample is playing, it will still be playing when you re-engage the pedal.
The exp switch can again be used to pick which control the expression pedal replaces (DIR 1, LEN S, RAND).
Mode 3:
This patch also allows you to sample a clip for looping. You can do so by holding down the secondary footswitch. When you release the footswitch playback begins immediately. The controls for this mode are DIR 1, DIR 2 and DIR 3. Essentially now there are 3 playback heads running on the same clip. You can independently control the direction/speed of each one. In this mode the EXP switch functions quite differently compared to the other modes. Since all knobs have a similar function, the expression pedal always replaces the DIR 1 knob. The EXP switch is then used to control how many read heads are actually active. You can toggle between 1,2 and 3 active heads which allows some nice dynamics/cool layering.
Holding the secondary stomp down again while your clip is playing will overdub onto the original clip. Tapping the secondary switch will stop playback and reset the clip buffer.
Other features:
The pedal has a mini-usb jack which is accessible by removing the back plate. The goal of this is to allow user end firm-ware upgrades/custom code deliveries etc. There is however no usb functionality under normal use so don't get too excited.
In general the sound quality is much improved over the original gb24 and the sampling/loop time is equal, about 8 seconds. However, in the second patch only 4 seconds of sampling time can be used per sample, this allows a new sample to be recorded while the old one is still playing back. Check out the user demos in the playlist below for more sound samples.
International buyers in north america, western europe, austrailia, or scandanavia can message me for a shipping quote. Buyers in alaska/hawaii message for a quote. Shipping price posted is for Continental USA.
Product Specs
Condition:Brand New
Make:Montreal Assembly
Model:Count to 5
Categories:Delay, Loop Pedals and Samplers
Made In:Canada
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- Phone(Working Time)86-13305315989
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